Our Unequivocal Guide on How To Not Be a Total Piece of Shit in 2018
By Anonymous Author
Tryna not be a total douche lord in 2018? Here's our science-backed guide to going from zero to hero in 30 minutes or less. Read up, folks.
By Anonymous Author
Tryna not be a total douche lord in 2018? Here's our science-backed guide to going from zero to hero in 30 minutes or less. Read up, folks.
By Anonymous Author
By Matthew Meade
It never seems to get any easier. Every year, these holidays come and sneak up on us like a bat out of hell and we just have to roll with the punches to ensure that everyone we care for is going to be well represented in the gifts we find them. That’s usually where the trouble starts, the part where you actually have to go and find that perfect something. There’s no need to worry though, we got you all types of covered down here at Triple Z Threadz.
Now, anyone who knows us already can assume that we are definitely the home of the most badass embroidery for men AND women this side of the Mississippi. What you may not know, however, are all the other great products we offer to help make each visit into the shop one to remember. It all just depends on who or what you’re looking for. For that booze hound in your life, there’s never anything wrong with treating that special someone to a carry-on cocktail kit or flask. For that sweet gal in your life, we offer an assortment of locally crafted jewelry that’s sure to help her forget that you never remember to take out the trash.
We even offer an array of badass locally designed t-shirts for men and women, you know, to help keep that pearl snap nice and fresh (duh). You know what goes great with a t-shirt? A kick ass John Wayne Illuminidol candle, that’s what (or any of your other 21st century idols for that matter). If that doesn’t work, I’d have to suggest a personal favorite and go with that Christopher Walken in military garb pillow we both know you want (Bill Murray will also suffice).
If you don’t have the time to visit us in shop, no need to worry. For the holiday season you can also see a lot of our bad ass embroidery at both the Blue Jeanie and Armadillo Holiday Bazaar. That, or you could always drop us a line to have us assist you with whatever it is you might need this holiday season. Stay safe, love the ones you love, and most importantly, just keep being you.
By Matthew Meade
For a rather large city, Austin can sometimes feel quite small depending on your day to day routine. By the time you get yourself out of work, it can be a chore to simply find something to eat before you crash into bed awaiting the next day. But it is normally these types of emotions that drive me to step out of my usual comfort zone and try something new. You never know who or what you might find (FOMO is forever a real thing).
One evening after i leave our fine shop down on South Congress, I decide to go and catch a show at a venue I’ve yet to visit for myself since moving into town. I make my way downtown at an hour where just about everyone is headed in a similar direction. Mind you, it’s Halloween night so I’m greeted by many interesting get ups along the way. Silver Surfer glides by me across the Congress bridge. I’m coerced into a number of pictures with folks who are in egg costumes since I am sporting my usual Bacon ensemble.
The venue is The Belmont, located just West on 6st downtown. Since reopening in 2012, it has become a staple in the area for great local and world renowned acts. On this particular night, I’ve come to see HeartByrne, a Talking Heads tribute band. While making flippy floppy across the dance floor to catch myself a much needed beer, I notice something familiar. A couple visiting from Vancouver, BC, who I had met earlier that day at ZZZ Threadz. Both of them sporting one of our staple embroideries, Sasquatch with a Wristwatch for him and our voluptuous Snake Lady for her. We catch eyes as if we’ve known each other for years and from that point on, the good times kept on rolling. You never know where you might make a new friend, find a new favorite band or even a new favorite beer. On this particular Halloween though, I couldn’t help thinking, “This must be the place”.